Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Lesson learned

We can do a lot running in our lives. In Heb 12:1 The apostle Paul writes "let us run with patience the race that is set before us." Are you running away from your race? We spent just as much energy running from what GOD wants us to do that if we could give that energy to GOD and run the race HE has set before us all, we would live happier more productive lives.

I want to place my energy in what GOD has for me, and not in running.... How about you?


Mark Pryor said...

Great post. There is no telling what could be accomplished if we would focus our time, resources, effort and energy towards seeing the will of God fulfilled in our lives, homes and church.

Jolene Harris said...

Alice, Thanks for stopping by my blogsite. Since then I have been reading what you have to say and enjoying it. This is such a wonderful way to share our thoughts and the word of God with one another.

This is a great post. I have seen people spend so much time and energy running away from God's will only to get no where in life. What a waste. They have no peace and no contentment. Like you, I want to place my energy in God's will for my life. God Bless!

Alice said...

I agree this is a great way to share the word of God. I hope you keep reading and enjoy! I did enjoy reading yours.