Valentines Day. Some may say it's commercial. Infact I think almost every man you ask would say it's commercial. My husband has said this in the past. I have a couple of Valentine stories I am going to tell here.
One year while I was still a newlywed. Joe bought me roses. I was so excited, they were beautiful, and I was young and in love. We got married in January, and this was our first Valentine as husband and wife. Well I went to work the next day and while I was gone, Joe placed my new roses outside in the sun!!! I walked up to our apartment and to my suprise, my flowers were sitting on the pourch! 1 day! I had my flowers for 1 DAY! I was very upset, as you can imagine. Joe said he thought they needed some sun! ugh!!!
The next story that comes to my memory is about Br. Saul. My husband worked with him while we were living in Colton. This man has a very, VERY conservative nature. He could be discribed as very thrifty. I have met him and his wife, and they are very much in love. He is a great provider to his family and his wife is a stay at home mother to their 3 children. Joe asked him what he was getting his wife for Valentines Day. I am sure they discussed the topic over their eight hour shift, many times, but it came down to this one statement, that my husband thought was very clever. "I love my wife everyday of the year, I don't need a special day to show her." When he came home and told me this I yelled "What a cop out! I can't believe someone would say that!" Bro Saul's wife recieved a beautiful Valentines gift that year. Joe was later quoted as saying that Bro Saul said, "That comment about Valentines day was just a cop out!" Can you believe it? We have laughed about this story many times, and acutally are both laughing about it right now. LOL
My next story isn't so funny, but more romantic. Have you ever heard of the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas?" Well, I had the three days of Valentine, last year. My wounderful husband brougt me flowers to work 3 days in a row. A different flower every day with the Roses coming on Valentines Day. I have a beautiful picture of my roses that I will try to add to this post at a later time. By far the best roses I have ever recieved. They were saved from a day in the sun too! (I acutally said that to him, DON'T PUT THEM IN THE SUN!) They lived beuatifully for 14days, when one by one they slowly died away, the last one at day 18.
This year was different. I was at work anticipating what would happened on this special day. Some of the other girls I work with recieved there flowers by 9AM. I didn't recieve any. I wasn't sad, because of the flowers that I recieved last year, and the romantic I know my husband to be, I knew there would be something coming. When he came home I was already making dinner, and he came in and there was nothing in his hands, I felt a little crushed. It didn't help that I was starting to feel under the weather. But true to form, he went and got the gift he had already bought me. A box of my favorite candy, SEE'S Truffles. We have been married nine years and he got it just right today. But no flowers. I wasn't mad, maybe a little disappointed. Then he gave me another bag. I pulled out "Garfield-large and in charge!" I had told him weeks ago that I wanted it, but until then I had forgotten. I was so excited, I jumped up had hugged him and yelled, "You just redemed yourself!", "From what?" he said. "I was sad I didn't get flowers this year, but now I AM HAPPY!" I was very excited. I guess men do listen sometimes, huh?
The moral of the story is, some men
MAY treat there wives like they are a queen year round. But to be truthful to you, I like being treated like a queen on Valentines day, for one reason. If I was treated like every day was Valentines day EVERYDAY, then it wouldn't be special. I love my husband, he's a great provider, soul mate and friend. I wouldn't trade him for anyone else. God knows what we all need, and when I needed him, God sent him to me. GOD saved me, but he used this man to point me in the right direction. I thank GOD for my husband.