Monday, November 12, 2007

I guess she's better

Well Piglet had to stay at my work, in a kennel, from Wed morning, until Sat afternoon when we got back from WCC. She is definitely doing better. So much so that I caught her stealing food from the NEW bag of cat food, I just brought into the house. I screamed "Piglet!" She paused and gave me a look as to say "What?"

And then just continued to rip the bag and help herself.

What could I do? I would have given anything to see her eat that way when she was sick. Anyways her name is Piglet. They say animals live up to the names you give them.


Jolene Harris said...

Piglet looks like she is saying that real annoying "What?" Like don't bother me I'm eating. Too funny. Caleb laughed. He really liked the pic. I told him she looked she had his attitude and he said "nuh uh!"

Alice said...

LOL, she is a little spitfire. Thanks for commenting!

bernice rios said...

Talk about a Cat theif!!! LOL When we first broght Roxy home George caught her in the canniter I had her dog food in. You would think we don't feed them.

Alice said...

LOL Sis Bernice! I thought it was just my animals!